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      Saturday July 27, 2024    

  In Memoriam

Died   Name   Cemetery
6/30   Dallas D. Petersen   Maxwell, NE
6/17   Timothy W. Brown ’80   Eustis, NE
5/31   Mildred C. (Lehman) Tillotson ’49   Farnam, NE
5/30   Donnie Franzen ’60   Farnam, NE

  Born this day in history:

1840 Miles F. Martin Obituary
1887 William H. Palmer Obituary
1892 Weaver Cole
1898 Harvey E. Klooz Obituary
1927 Dorthy (Stevens) High Obituary  ’45
1998 Keegan Taylor Obituary
  Died this day in history:

1890 Dallas A. Fitch
1919 Elizabeth B. (Barr) Albert Obituary
1919 William P. Austin Obituary Homestead
1948 Thomas Dillin Obituary
1974 Stella V. (Jackson) Patterson

News from this week in Farnam history:
  – Keystone Items - 28 July 1886 (1886)
  – Why Towns Fail (1938)
  – Work Started On New Auditorium (1938)
  – From Camp Dodge (McDermott) (1918)
  – Killed In Accident (1955)

Recently posted obituaries, news articles and photos

  – Petersen, Dallas D. Obituary (1941-2024)
  – Petersen, Delmar L. Obituary (1939-2020)

Homestead events on this day in history

Final proof filed:

1897 William C. Reed Obituary Timber Culture

KEY—where appearing in the text above, these icons are clickable links to more information
 ’00 = Farnam High School Class of 1900
Patent Type: Cash Entry     Homestead    Timber Culture

Published: 7/26/2024 -
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe