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Burlington Bridge Burns Causing $12,000 Loss

The Burlington suffered another heavy loss here Tuesday afternoon when a large bridge about a mile east of town was completely destroyed by fire.

The fire was first noticed about 3:30 Tuesday afternoon, just a few minutes after the east bound passenger had passed through. A work train also followed the passenger out and it is thought that the fire was ignited by a spark from one of the engines, as there was considerable trash piled against the piling left by the recent flood and had been too wet to burn. It was not more than fifteen or twenty minutes after the work train had passed over that a heavy black cloud of smoke rose from the bridge, but was first thought to [be] the smoke of the train, however by the time that it was realized that it was the bridge, it was a seething mass of flames and there was nothing left to do. The heavy timbers being soaked in creosote made a terrible fire which could not be fought with ordinary equipment.

The majority of this structure was put in new about four or five years ago and was all floored and graveled across the top. It was a span of 150 feet and requires 60 large piling. The estimated damage is between $10,000 and $12,000.

It was fortunate however that there was two or three bridge gangs still here making repairs on flood damaged bridges and they with an extra gang went right to work as soon as the embers cooled enough to work around. The 50 or 60 men reconstructed a temporary bridge yesterday so that train service was resumed at 7 p.m. last night.

This is the second time a bridge has burned across this creek. The other one was destroyed about 12 years ago according to Mr. Thrasher, local section foreman.

Postmaster Thompson drove to Eustis yesterday afternoon and brought the mail on up, some of the freight was also received in this manner. Curtis also sent trucks down after the mail and freight.

The Farnam Echo 42(48):1, Thursday, 16 May 1929


Published: 1/26/2025 -
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe