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Obituary Collection
George Simeon Hall

George Simeon Hall was born November 12, 1848, in Warren county, New York. He passed away from this life at the home of his daughter at St. Francis, Kansas, April 10, 1941, at the age of 92 years, 4 months, and 28 days.

Mr. Hall came to Frontier county, Nebraska, in 1884. At this time he took a homestead south of Orafino. This place he kept for the duration of his life. Here he made his home until nine years ago when it became necessary for him to make his home with his daughters becauase of failing health. He had been bedfast most of the time during the past three years.

On August 22, 1872, he was united in marriage to Elizabeth Ann Hart at Virden, Illinois. To this union were born nine children. Four children passed away in infancy, and Mrs. Hall passed away February 13, 1915. Those remaining to mourn his passing are five children, Mrs. Nancy A. Rogers, Orafino, Nebr.; Simeon Hall, Cozad, Nebr.; Frank Hall, Gering, Nebr.; Roy Hall, Orchard, Colo.; Mrs. Grace Harvey, St. Francis, Kan.; twenty grand children, twenty great grand children and many friends.

Mr. Hall joined the United Evangelical church at Orafino about the year 1899. He will long be remembered was a sincere friend and a good neighbor.

He had been a member of the Odd Fellow lodge since the early eighties. He was a member, in good standing, of Stockville Lodge Number 179 at the time of his death.

Funeral services were held at the church at Orafino, Saturday afternoon, Rev. L. H. Messersmith of Cambridge, in charge. Members of the Stockville Odd Fellow lodge, assisted by members from the Cambridge lodge, had charge at the grave. The body wa laid to rest in the Orafino Cemetery.

Cambridge Clarion 56(18):8 Thursday, April 17, 1941

Published: 2/15/2025 - http://www.historicfarnam.us/cemetery/obits/index.asp
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe