Murphy Cemetery Burials
Land donated by the Murphy family in Section 34, T9N, R26W (Peckham Precinct, Lincoln county, Nebraska).
Located 2.5 miles west of Farnam, 1 mile north of Highway 23.
Thomas Dillin, 1859-1948, Father
Catherine Dillin, 1869-1933, Mother
Agnes M. Murphy, June 13, 1874-May 17, 1931 (John W.)
John W. Murphy, August 23, 1869-August 30, 1949 (Agnes M.)
Patrick Wrin 1838-1913, Father
Bridget Kelly Wrin, 1837-1933, Mother
James J. McDermott, 1929, no stone (from obituary)
Bernard Murphy, 1836-1886, Husband
Elizabeth Murphy, 1836-1899, Wife
Mary McDonald Murphy, 1854-1901
Ellen Murphy, 1863-1918
Annie Murphy, 1866-1873
James B . Murphy, 1873-1943
Published: 2/5/2024
- http://www.historicfarnam.us/cemetery/index.asp
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe