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Obituary Collection
Minnie May Tonne

Minnie May Tonne was born in Farnam October 28, 1887, and died in Eustis June 7, 1911 aged 23 years 7 months and 9 days. SHe had been sick for four years with kidney trouble and for the last two years has been confined to her bed. She joined the Episcopal Church when about sixteen years of age, and during all her sickness and suffering has remained steadfast in her faith bearing all her suffering with christian fortitude and without a murmur as to her affliction. At her request, the burial service was conducted by Rev. Bennett an Episcopal clergyman from Holdrege. The services were held at the Methodist church and the remains wer laid away in the Eustis cemetery to await the resurrection morn.

Our home is filled with grief today;

A loved one dear has passed away.
The Lord took her to heaven above,
To His mansions fair, where all is love.

Her tender voice no more we hear,
Her memory we hold most dear;
Her counsel was so good and wise,
And now she lives beoyond the skies.

Help us, dear Lord, to die as she,
Freed from all sin, from cares set free;
Calling to Jesus to take us Home,
To meet our loved around God’s Throne.

The Eustis News 8(6):1 Thursday June 15, 1911

Published: 1/26/2025 - http://www.historicfarnam.us/cemetery/obits/index.asp
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe