Sarah A. Harrop
Sarah A. Harrop was born at Thursdale, County Durham, England, August 3, 1866, and died August 9, 1916, aged 50 years and 6 days. Her death was the result of an operation.
In 1867, she came with her parents to Painter Town, Pennsylvania, and afterwards to Frontier County, Nebraska. She was united in marriage to Louis Tonne in 1885, to which union were born four children, two boys and two girls. Her sons, Ray and Albert, and one daughter, Mrs. Lena Rupe, remain to mourn the loss of a kind, faithful and loving mother, the other daughter Minnie, preceding her to the better world.
More than twenty-five years ago she was converted and united with the Episcopal Church of Farnam, Nebraska, at which place she was a faithful member at the time of her death.
Besides her children, she leaves one sister, six brothers and a host of relatives and friends to mourn her loss.
Funeral services were held at the I.O.O.F. hall Sunday, August 13. Interment in the Eustis Cemetery.
The Eustis News 13(16):1 Thursday August 17, 1916
Published: 1/26/2025
- http://www.historicfarnam.us/cemetery/obits/index.asp
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe