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Obituary Collection
Mrs. E. T. Gillett

Last rites for Mrs. E. T. Gillett, 70, of Kearney, were held at the Methodist church in Elwood Sunday afternoon, May 16, at 3 o’clock. Rev. B. L. Story of Kearney officiated, and was assisted by Rev. Slagg and Dr. B. O. Lyle of Holdrege.

Mrs. Gillet, who had been in good health, was taken ill while down town in Kearney Friday and died in a few minutes after reaching her home where she was taken by a friend. Her death was attributed to a heart ailment. Only a week before her death she had spend several weeks in Dorchester where her sister-in-law, Mrs. B. B. Sandy of Kansas was caring for a friend.

Mrs. Gillet, wife of the late Rev. E. T. Gillett, was an early resident of Elwood and lived there until Mr. Gillett entered the ministry thirty years ago.

Since the death of her husband at Mt. Hope, near Wauneta, five years ago, Mrs. Gillett had made her home in Kearney in order to be near her neice, Mrs. Lee Dowers.

Mr. and Mrs. Dowers and sons and Mrs. Robertson of Fort Morgan, Colo., a sister-in-law, as well as many friends from Farnam, Smithfield, Kearney, Loomis, Wauneta and Elwood attended the services in Elwood.

Burial was made in the Elwood cemetery beside the grave of her husband and their five children who all died in infancy.

Rev. and Mrs. Gillett spent five years of his ministry at Farnam, where he was pastor of the M. E. church, and they had many close friends here.

The Farnam Echo 53(38):4 Thursday May 27, 1937

Published: 1/26/2025 - http://www.historicfarnam.us/cemetery/obits/index.asp
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