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Obituary Collection
Rev. Thomas E. Gillett
Answers Final Call

Rev. Thomas Eddy Gillett was born in Warren county, Iowa, August 28th, 1870, and died on his charge at Wauneta April 14, 1932, at the age of 61 years, 7 months 17 days.

He was united in marriage to Miss Ella Way at Indianola, Iowa, February 6th, 1894. Five children came to bless their home, four boys and one girl, but only for a brief stay. As a lover of children this was one of the great sorrows and disappointments of his life.

He moved from Warren county, Iowa, to Elwood in 1897 and was on the farm for two years. Following that he engaged in the grocery and meat business, and for several years was a traveling man.

Here he felt an urgent call to preach and entered the ministry of the Methodist Episcopal church. His first appointment was to his present charge known as Mt. Zion, and which he served three years.

He then served the following charges, all in the Holdrege district: Smithfield, three years; Stockville, two and a half years; Farnam for five years; Elsie for one year; Oxford three years; Wallace, one year. From Wallace back to Wauneta Circuit or Mt. Zion, as formerly known, where he was serving his sixth year. All of the above he ministered to with great acceptability and none more so than his present charge, having the unique experience of finishing up his work, where he began, with a people who loved him dearly.

He leaves to mourn his loss his faithful wife and companion; one brother, William C., of Bertrand, Colo., three sisters, Mrs. Mary Sandy, McPherson, Kans., Mrs. Laura Robison of Ft. Morgan, Colo., Mrs. N. M. Goar of Elgin, Ill., with multitudes of friends who sorrow at his passing. But we say today as he goes from the church militant to the church triumphant which is without spot before the throne of God.

Servant of God well done,
thy glorious warfare’s past.
The battle’s fought, the victory’s
won and thou art crowned at last.

Funeral services were held at the Elwood Methodist church Tuesday at 2 p.m. The services being conducted by Rev. K. H. Clifton, pastor of the Elwood Methodist church. Burial was made in the Elwood cemetery beside the graves of his children.

The Farnam Echo 51(33):1 Wednesday April 20, 1932

Published: 1/26/2025 - http://www.historicfarnam.us/cemetery/obits/index.asp
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe