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Obituary Collection
Daniel Saxon, One
Time Resident of
Wyoming, Is Dead

Wyoming, Ia., Dec. 20.—News has been received of the death of Daniel Saxon, brother of Charles Saxon, of this place, a former resident of this vicinity.

Mr. Saxon died in southern Texas and the body, accompanied by his son, Lile, of Chicago, and his brother, Charles, was taken to Moorefield, Neb., for funeral services Tuesday.

Mr. Saxon is survived by his widow, Mrs. Bertha Alexander Saxon, his three children, Lile, Amy and Fern, all of Chicago, and his brother, Charles, of Wyoming.

The Davenport Democrat 75(60):9 Friday, December 20, 1929

Published: 10/17/2024 - http://www.historicfarnam.us/cemetery/obits/index.asp
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe