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Obituary Collection
Death of Crawford Hall
Young Man of Watson

Robert Crawford Hall was born December 7, 1881, in Nishnabotna Township two and one half miles south of Watson. Died at the home of his brother in Farnum, Nebraska, July 7, 1907, of Tuberculosis, at the age of 25 years, and 7 months. Never of a strong constitution he was heedless of exposure to inclement weather, and it is thought that this brought about his fatal decline. Last January his health began to fail until in April it was thought best to send him to Farnum, to his brother, E. J. Hall, where he remained until he passed away. While at Farnum his baby girl was taken sick, died and was buried here and he was unable to come.

Robert Crawford Hall and America Elnora York, both of Watson, were united in marriage at Rock Port, Missouri, March 18, 1902; to which union two children were born; the elder Lulu Olive, aged four years is living; the youngest, Nellie May died June 5, 1907, at the age of two years and one month.

Three sisters, Mrs. Frank Wilson, Mrs. John Frede and Mrs. Thos. Hays and a brother E. J. Hall of Farnum, Nebr., together with a father, mother loving wife and baby and friends without number, mourn for him. He was a member of the Masonic and K Of P lodges and both orders performed their burial rites at the grave. Rev. J. W. Smith preached a very impressive funeral sermon at the Presbyterian church at 9:30 a.m., yesterday, and the largest procession seen here in years followed the remains to their final resting place.

Wherever you found Crawford Hall you found a man kindly, courageous, generous, making friends easily and holding them tightly, never slighting or forgetting them. We count it a loss never to have met this man. Before he died he expressed a belief in the saving grace of Jesus Christ and has gone to be with Him who drives all tears away—Watson Watsonian

Atchison County Mail 29(47):1 Friday, July 19, 1907


Published: 10/17/2024 - http://www.historicfarnam.us/cemetery/obits/index.asp
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe