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Obituary Collection
Mrs. J. H. Nall.

Sarah J. Southard, wife of J. H. Nall, died December 9, 1904, after an illness of nearly one year, five months of which time she had been bedfast.

Mrs. Nall was born in Athens, Tennessee, August 2, 1843. In childhood her parents moved to Phelps county, Missouri. Her mother died when deceased was nineteen years of age and she being the oldest of seven children the care of raising the children devolved largely upon her.

November 14, 1867, deceased married James H. Nall and with him moved to Illinois, where she lived until 1885, when the family moved to Stockville, where they have since resided. She leaves a husband, two sons, William T. and James C., two daughters, Mrs. Ed Brown, and Ethel, five sisters and two brothers to mourn her death.

The funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at the home, Rev. Uncapher preaching the sermon from the 12th verse of the 90th Psalm. The pall bearers were Robert Snowball, J. S. Perkins, John McCabe, Isaac Rhine, G. W. Wiseman and Sidney Hall, all members of the G. A. R. Members of the W. R. C. lent their kindly aid in furnishing floral decorations, the deceased having been a member of that order.

Mrs. Nall joined the Christian church in the spring of 1890. She was a woman of kindly feeling toward all and bore the trials of her past illness with christian fortitude and resignation. When death came to relieve her of her suffering all members of the family were present at the bedside.

The Republican-Faber 13(24):1 Thursday, December 15, 1904

Published: 7/26/2024 - http://www.historicfarnam.us/cemetery/obits/index.asp
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe