Mrs. John E. Craig
At the funeral conducted by the Rev. Tyler of Lincoln, he read the following life sketch of the late Mrs. Craig.
Nations are accustomed to erect monuments to popular heroes and communities seek to immortalize in marble or granite outstanding figures in human achievement. Far better than to live in stone is it to become immortal through the enduring character and affectionate memory of those who are bound to us by the ties of love. This is peculiarly the lot of a devoted mother. Such immortality will be gratefully accorded to the one whose memory we honor in our service today. The outlines of the life may be quickly given. The details must be filled in by the bereaved husband, the motherless children, and the mourning friends and neighbors.
Luella Cronk began her earthly life near Liberty, Nebraska, on October 8th, 1884. While she was yet young the family moved to Curtis, where her father engaged in the real estate business. Here she was educated in the public schools, united with the Congregational Church and grew to womanhood. Here also, on October 10th, 1904, she became the bride of Rev. John E. Craig at that time pastor of the Congregational churches of Farnam and Stockville.
For twenty-four years she shared the joys and sorrows, the anxieties and opportunities, the privations and prosperity, the hopes and triumphs of a Congregational minister’s wife. During her forty-four years of live, in Nebraska the state passed from the primitive situation of pioneer communities to the advanced conditions of a highly civilized commonwealth. Much of this change took place during the twenty-four years of her married life.
Her husband served pastorates at Farnam and Stockville, Cortland, Norfolk, Uehling, Wallace and Madrid, Dunning, Purdum and Halsey, Doniphan and Taylor. He had the rare distinction of being called back to a second pastorate in two fields—Farnam and Dunning. In all these places Mrs. Craig was deeply interested in the welfare of the churches her husband served, and as active in their work as family duties would permit.
But her tastes were essentially domestic and her home received the greatest share of her time and strength. Her devotion to her husband and children was beyond question and her toil and sacrifice for their welfare were without measure. Of infinitely greater worth than monument of granite or marble are the lives and characters of these noble children and the undying gratitude and affection of this bereft husband. Mrs. Craig’s going leaves us with a sense of unutterable loss but with unfaltering trust that for her this experience is unspeakable gain. Hopelessly ill since last spring, her tragic suffering was endured as befits a Christian. We who mourn her passing away sorrow not as those who have no hope, but rather give thanks that she has come out of great tribulation to a fuller and richer life.—Rev. Tyler in Taylor Clarion.
The Brewster News 45(15):4 Friday, January 4, 1929
Published: 1/2/2025
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe