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Obituary Collection
Farmer From Lamont
Dies at Ogden Home

OGDEN, Jan. 3.—James Andrew Downard, farmer from Lamont, Idaho, died this morning in the Plaza apartments, where he had lived for three weeks, having come to Ogden in quest of relief from a long illness. Mr. Downard was born in Utica, Iowa, March 1, 1863, and is survived by his widow, Ella Hussman Downard of Lamont and two children, Rex Downard, a teacher in Lorin Farr school of Ogden.

The body is at the Larkin & Sons undertaking parlors. The son will arrive from Idaho tomorrow morning.

The Salt Lake Tribune 112(81):3 Monday, January 4, 1926

Published: 11/2/2024 - http://www.historicfarnam.us/cemetery/obits/index.asp
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe