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Obituary Collection
Nellie Wallis

Nellie Burnett, daughter of Captain Alexander Burnett and his wife, Betsy Ann, was born in Warren, Illinois, on August 27, 1859, and passed away on Dec. 15, 1942, at Gothenburg, Nebraska, having attained the age of 83 years, 3 months and 19 days.

Her mother passed away when she was three years old, and she was taken care of by relatives until her father remarried. Later she made her home with a cousin, Clarence Burnett of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

In 1883 she was married to Nicholas Wallis of Blackearth, Wisc., and they immediately began house keeping at LaPort City, Iowa, where they lived until 1892. Because of Mr. Wallis’ health they moved to Gothenburg, Neb., in which or near she has since resided.

Mr. and Mrs. Wallis were the parents of two children: Floyd Burnett and Esther Mary. Floyd passed away in 1897 at the age of 12 years. Esther, Mrs. Ray Coleman, resides near Brady, Neb.

About 1898 Mr. and Mrs. Wallis took up a homestead ten miles south of Gothenburg. Seven years later they sold this and moved on a farm in the Banner community, where they lived for fifteen years, moving back to Gothenburg in 1920.

After her husband’s death 18 years ago, she still made her home in Gothenburg.

Besides her daughter and grandson, Albert Wallis Coleman, the deceased leaves several nieces and nephews and many, many friends.

Mrs. Wallis was converted soon after moving to Gothenburg from Iowa. She has been a faithful christian and a devout member of the church ever since. While living in the Banner community, she founded the Sunday School which has since grown into a prosperous rural church. For many years Mrs. Wallis was superintendent and Mr. Wallis was teacher of the Bible class, as well as the unpaid janitor.

Although she has been in failing health for several years, she has been able to attend the church services until her last illness.

She trusted her Maker completely to the last and her last words were “Oh God, lift me up.”

Funeral services were held last Thursday afternoon at two, at the First Methodist church, conducted by the church pastor, Rev. Mearl C. Smith. Mrs. E. Wm. Sall and Mrs. Frank Schwanz sang “Lord Plant My Feet on Higher Ground” and “Sweet Story of Old,” with Mrs. H. J. Seng, organist. Pallbearers were: Mason E. Hyde, Herbert Hecox, A. D. Colvin, H. C. Loutzenheiser, P. C. Nelsen and Vernon E. Solt. Interment was in Gothenburg cemetery.

The Gothenburg Times 35(26):12 Thursday December 24, 1942

Published: 1/26/2025 - http://www.historicfarnam.us/cemetery/obits/index.asp
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe