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Obituary Collection

Mrs. Lethe E. Fenton, widow of James F. Fenton, who died August 1897, died at her home near this village Tuesday evening at six o’clock. Mrs. Fenton has been a patient sufferer for many months. Hopes were entertained of her recovery but the long continued hot weather so weakened her vitality that she finally succumbed. The funeral was held at the home at three o’clock Wednesday afternoon. Many friends gathered to pay the last tribute of respect to a worthy woman. The funeral sermon was preached by Rev. Clifton. He took for his text the 13th verse of the 14th chapter of Revelations. Mrs. Fenton’s maiden name was Lethe Ellen Myers. She was born in Bartholemew county, Indiana, Feb. 4, 1838. August 18, 1857 she married Mr. Fenton. She was the mother of fifteen children, ten of whom survive her. Six of the children were present at the funeral, George, Link, Ross and Alma Fenton, Mrs. Nafus and Mrs. Gilbert Reed. Mrs. Warren Fenton, who has been here the past week, was also there. The rest of the family could not be reached in time for the funeral. Mrs. Fenton was a member of the Baptist church and led the life of a christian woman. She was a woman of much force of character and will be greatly missed in the community. She had her home here 21 years. Many friends sympathize with the family

The Faber 17(46):5 Thursday, August 15, 1901

Published: 2/21/2025 - http://www.historicfarnam.us/cemetery/obits/index.asp
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe