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Obituary Collection
Maria Jane Baker

Maria Jane Baker, daughter of Andrew and Sarah Baker was born at Isadora, Worth county, Missouri, July 31, 1865 and died at the home of her son Jasper at Stockville, Nebraska February 4, 1952 at the age of 86 years, 6 months and four days. On May 24, 1887 she was married to Jacob H. Surber at Stockville. To this union was born six children, four of whom survive.

Mr. Surber preceded her in death July 9, 1918.

She leaves to mourn her passing her four children, Jake of Buhl, Idaho, Jasper of Stockville, Mrs. Charles Metcalf of Farnam, and Mrs. Frank Banzhaf of Stockville, eighteen grandchildren and forty great-grandchildren. One brother, Andrew Baker of Shaw, Colo., one sister, Mrs. Adelia Carson of Edgar, Nebr., other relatives and a host of friends. With the disadvantage of poor eyesight and many disappointments her untiring devotion to her children and grandchildren, her concern for her friends with her never failing cheerful disposition will cause all to remember her for many years.

Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon from the Congregational church at Stockville with burial in the Orafino cemetery beside her husband and children who preceded her in death. The services at the church were in charge of Castensens of Curtis with the Elder L. I. Rogers of Holbrook speaking the word of comfort and eulogy. Music was furnished by Mrs. H. V. Osterhoudt and Orvis Messersmith with Mrs. Messersmith accompanist. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers sang a special duet. Bearers were her beloved grandsons, Cecil Surber of Cambridge, Raymond Metcalf of Curtis, Clarence Surber, Robert Banzhaf, Kenneth and Dewane Shinley.

The Eustis News 47(5):2 Thursday, February 14, 1952

Published: 2/8/2025 - http://www.historicfarnam.us/cemetery/obits/index.asp
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe