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Obituary Collection

C. E. Marlin of Orafino Stricken by
Heart Disease

Word was received in town yesterday morning that Charles E. Marlin, who lived near Orafino, had been found dead in bed at 4 o’clock, a.m. Dr. Case was summoned and an examination disclosed the fact that death had resulted from heart failure. It seems that Mrs. Marlin had been partially awakened by his struggling, only to be fully awakened to the realization that he had passed beyond all human aid.

Mr. Marlin was fifty-three years of age. One child, a son, and his wife survive him. Four brothers and a sister are also left to mourn his untimely end. They are William, Ethan and Grant of Scottsbluff; Cicero of Iowa and Mrs. Ella Castor of this county.

Mr. Marlin moved to his farm in Lower Medicine precinct in 1885 where he had since resided. The sympathy of the community is with the family in their affliction.

Frontier County Republican 10(14):1 Thursday, October 10, 1901


Charles E. Marlin, an old settler of Horrell precinct, died at an early hour Wednesday morning, October 9, of heart disease. The deceased was born in Franklin County, Indiana, October 7, 1848. He was married to Alice A. Shupert in 1871, she dying in 1880. In 1883 he moved to the farm on which he resided at the time of his death. In 1884 he married Lizzie B. Shickley, who, with one child, Edwin Marlin, survives him. He has four brothers, Wm. Marlin, who recently moved to Scottsbluff, this state, Ethan and Grant, who also reside there, Cicero Marlin, of Iowa, and a sister, Mrs. Jake Castor, of this county.

The funeral is to be held at the house and he will be buried at the Marlin cemetery Friday at three o’clock P.M. Mr. Marlin was a good citizen, having the respect of his neighbors, being square and honorable in his affairs.

The Faber 18(2):5 Thursday, October 10, 1901

Published: 10/16/2024 - http://www.historicfarnam.us/cemetery/obits/index.asp
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe