Obituary—Ezra H. Wiggins.
Ezra H. Wiggins was born September 5, 1829, and died November 13, 1909. He was the oldest son of John and Dorcas Howard Wiggins, and was born in Tunkhannock township in the old log house still standing on the farm now owned by J. E. Wiggins at Dixon. He was for a number of years a teacher in the public schools of Wyoming and Bradford counties.
On July fourth, 1852, he was united in marriage to Miss Roena Maria Cowles, of Laceyville. She died September 20, 1854, in Burlington, Bradford county, leaving a baby boy, Doward S. Wiggins. On November 11, 1855, Mr. Wiggins was married to Miss Mary Ellen Johnson, of Wysox, Bradford Co. He enlisted in Co. C, 57th Pennsylvania Volunteers, October 10, 1861. He was discharged December 19, 1863, re-enlisted December 20, 1863, and again discharged on June 29, 1865, at the close of the war. He left three fingers of the left hand on the battle field, and was also afflicted with hernia, the result of an injury in the army. In March, 1873, he was unjured in the lumber woods by a tree falling on him, thereby losing his left hand. Trouble never comes alone, so in the same year his house, with the contents was burned to the ground. In the spring of 1874 he took his family to Plains, Luzerne county. There, in May 1875, he joined Lodi Lodge, No. 670, I.O.O.F., of which he has always been a faithful member.
December 1, 1886, his wife, Mary Ellen Wiggins, died, leaving him alone again, his daughter having married and his son having gone to the western states to make a home for himself. May 22, 1894, he again married, being united to Mrs. Mahala Roberts Neyhart, of Caryls. Their home was in Plymouth, Pa., until April 24, 1899, she died. He then came to Caryls and lived until in 1901 he went to Nebraska and spent about a year and a half there. He finally returned and lived here. Five years ago he went to live with his niece and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mott. He remained there until his death.
He was a pleasant, quiet old gentleman, and will be missed among friends who knew him well at this home. The funeral servie was on Monday, November 15, at 10 a.m., Rev. W. B. Pimm, of the Factoryville Baptist church, officiating. Music by the choir of the M. E. church. Interment by the side of his parents in Dixon cemetery. He leaves two children, one son, Doward S. Wiggins, of Aberdeen, Washington, and Mrs. Minnie Clark, of Parsons, Pa., and two sisters, Mrs. D. C. Montgomery, of Aberdeen, Washington, and Mrs. Sarah Roberts, of Caryls.
Tuckhannock Republican and New Age 41(18):1 Thursday, December 2, 1909
Published: 9/12/2024
- http://www.historicfarnam.us/cemetery/obits/index.asp
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