Boise Pioneer Dies Tuesday
Warren C. Fenton, 66, Former Postmaster, Passes Away at Local Hospital
Warren C. Fenton, 66, for 30 years a resident of Boise, died at a local hospital Tuesday morning. Mr. Fenton’s health had been failing for the past two years and he had been in the hospital for three months.
Mr. Fenton came to Boise in the early nineties. He was postmaster of Boise for 13 years, and was one of the founders of the Fletcher Oil company. He was a Knight Templar, a member of Ada Lodge No. 3, I.O.O.F. and the M.W.A. Two sons, O. W. Fenton of Los Angeles, and Warren G. Fenton of Fairbanks, Alaska, three daughters, Mrs. J. R. O’Laughlin and Mrs. W. C. LaMalle of Los Angeles, and Mrs. W. S. Schenck of Boise, and a grandson, Roy, survive him. Five brothers and five sisters in the east remain.
The body is at the Summers and Krebs parlors and funeral arrangements will be made when relatives are heard from.
The Idaho Statesman, Wednesday, December 12, 1923
Published: 2/8/2025
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