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Obituary Collection
Pioneer Resident
Of Valley Passed
Away Last Night

After a week’s illness, Mrs. Sarah Beal, 86 years of age, passed away last night at the home of her daughter, Mrs. C. W. Hunter, with whom she had lived in Grand Junction since 1906. Mrs. Beal was well–known in this city and in Collbran where she had lived for several years.

Sarah Elizabeth Mitchell was born in New Jersey, July 6, 1847. When a small child, she moved with her family to Illinois where she married James Beal in 1865. To this union were born three daughters: Mrs. Viola Hawkins, Collbran; Mrs. C. W. Hunter, city; and Mrs. Nancy Vawter who passed away in Iowa a number of years ago. Mrs. Beal is also survived by many grandchildren. Her husband passed away in Iowa in 1881. Mrs. Beal and her family also lived in Stockville, Nebraska before moving to Collbran in 1899. Mrs. Beal was a faithful member of the Methodist church having seldom missed a Sunday service. She had many friends in this city and in the Fairmount district who will regret her passing.

Funeral services will be held from the Krohn funeral home tomorrow afternoon at 2 o’clock. Reverend J. T. Miller will be in charge. The body will be shipped to Coin, Iowa, where she will be buried beside her husband.

The Daily Sentinel 41(52):4 Saturday, April 21, 1934

Published: 1/16/2025 - http://www.historicfarnam.us/cemetery/obits/index.asp
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe