Old Resident Dies
Another Old Resident and Pioneer Passes Away—Death Was a Surprise to All— Laid to Rest Sunday.
M. M. Johnson, an old resident of Stockville and vicinity, died at his home five miles northwest of Stockville, last Friday morning about 10:30. He had been sick but was supposed to be on the road to recovery. His death was very peaceful, having gone quietly to sleep and his relatives watching at his bedside had no thought of his near approach to death. Death resulted from a slight attack of pneumonia and heart trouble.
Funeral services were held at the Methodist Episcopal church in Stockville on Sunday afternoon at one o’clock, conducted by Thomas Scott. The remains were interred in the Arbor cemetery at Stockville.
[Manson Mormon Johnson was born in Jamestown, Green county, Ohio, November 5, 1837. He came to Iowa when a young man and ther he wooed, won and wed Mary E. Lockwood, his devoted wife and loving companion. They came to Nebraska in 1884 and have lived here ever since. About 10:30 on the morning of March 23rd, 1906, a messenger came to him and said: “It is enough; come up higher.” And Mr. Johnson left us and went to glory. He was sixty-eight years old—two years less of earth than the alloted time of three score and ten, but two years more of heaven. He leaves a wife, a daughter, Mrs. Ella Carroll of Stockville, five sons, Charles Johnson of Burwell, Nebraska, J. A. Johnson of Stockville, John Johnson of California, Frank Johnson of North Platte, Nebraska, and Fred H. Johnson of Lewellen, Nebraska, other relatives and a host of friends who are sad because he has left.]
“Mr. Johnson’s life has been a blessing to us all. As a Christian, as a husband, as a father, as a friend and as a citizen he was not wanting. And now as an inhabitant of heaven he is reaping his reward.” “His relatives mourn his loss, but do not mourn as without hope. He shall not return to them, but they shall go to him.”
The Republican-Faber 14(39):1 Thursday, March 29, 1906
Published: 3/26/2025
- http://www.historicfarnam.us/cemetery/obits/index.asp
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