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Obituary Collection
Wm. H. Wilmeth Dead.

This community was shocked and grieved to learn of the sudden death of W. H. Wilmeth at his home six miles northeast of town. Mr. Wilmeth had just gone out to do the chores in the evening when he suddenly fell dead, death being caused by heart failure.

The funeral services were held at the residence Tuesday morning, the services being conducted by Rev. Hoon, assisted by Rev. Chesebro and Rev. Carman. The funeral was conducted under the auspices of the Masonic lodge of this place of which he was a member. Interment in the Moorefield cemetery.

Mr. Wilmeth was one of our most highly respected citizens and his death is regretted by all. The sympathies of the entire neighborhood are with the bereaved wife and children.

Wm. H. Wilmeth was born in Kenton, Ohio, May 23, 1830. He moved with his parents to Salem, Iowa, in 1848. February 21, 1853, he married Esther Conner. He spent a couple of years in the west going across the plains, afterwards returning to Salem, Iowa. At his country’s call in 1862 he enlisted in Co. C, 24th Iowa Volunteer Infantry and was mustered out June 6, 1865. He moved with his family to Frontier county, Nebraska, in June, 1885, where he has since resided.

Ten children were born, nine of whom survive the father, three daughters and six sons. Eight of them were present at the funeral, the eldest son who lives in Iowa being unable to attend.

The Faber 8(15):5 Thursday, October 19, 1899

Published: 7/26/2024 - http://www.historicfarnam.us/cemetery/obits/index.asp
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe