Aged Citizen Dies Saturday
Had Been Resident of This County for Almost 24 Years
John R. Konkle, who for the past twenty-three years has been a resident of this section of the county, passed away suddenly Saturday, aged 73 years, 7 months and 14 days.
Mr. Konkle and his family came to this country from Frontier county in the early part of 1901, and bought a farm near Chas. Raymond northwest of this city, where he lived for a number of years before coming to this city, some ten years ago, where he has since resided.
John R. Konkle was born in Illinois, his parents moving to Page county when he was yet a boy. He grew to manhood there, and was united in marriage at Clarinda, Iowa to Sarah Haman September 5, 1873. To this union was born seven children, six girls and one boy, of which six are still living. Mrs. Stella Kilburn, Wray, Colorado, Mrs. Nettie Price, Kimmswick, Mo., Mrs. Ada Marlin, Godfrey, Ill., Mrs. Anna Lane, Glenrock, Wyo., and Mrs. J. A. Snider and Roy Konkle of Scottsbluff, and Mrs. Jennie Kilburn, deceased, who’s daughter, Tyna, they have raised from her childhood.
In 1888 they moved to Frontier county, Nebraska, where they lived for fifteen years. In 1903 they moved to Scotts Bluff county where they have lived the remainder of his life.
Although he has seen many hardships through life, struggling to get ahead, he never got discouraged and when failure came he only tried harder. He was always a kind and loving husband and father, whose wife and children love with their hearts, which makes it all the harder to give him up, but God’s will be done.
He was a member of the United Brethren church for years.
The writer has personally known Mr. Konkle since his arrival here and it is with sincere regret that we are called upon to chronical the event of his death, which came unexpectedly Saturday last, for it was only a few days before his death that we talked to him and he seemed hale and hearty.
Coming to this country shortly after the advent of the Burlington railroad into the country, he was among the high classed farmers who came here about that time and who took the advantages offered by the Pathfinders, who were anxious to sell at that time to find out how much they were worth.
Funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon at 3 o’clock from the Wilcox funeral home, and the remains will be laid to rest in Fairview cemetery.
Scottsbluff Republican 24(104):1 Tuesday, April 29, 1924
Published: 2/15/2025
- http://www.historicfarnam.us/cemetery/obits/index.asp
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe