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Obituary Collection
Mary Hogoboom Dies
on Thanksgiving Day

Mrs. Mary E. Hogoboom of Moorefield and Curtis passed away at the home of her sister in Toledo, Ohio on Thanksgiving day. She fell and broke her hip last June but was recovering satisfactorily until last Monday, when she suffered a stroke.

Her son, Lester, St. Louis, Mo., and daughter, Doris, Denver, attended the funeral Saturday in Toledo. Also surviving are Mrs. Ida Mast and Mrs. Agnes Welch of Moorefield, daughters, and Roy of Cheyenne and Verne of Oakland, Calif., sons. Interment was in Forest cemetery at Toledo.

The Curtis Enterprise 54(45):8 Thursday, November 29, 1945

Published: 1/28/2025 - http://www.historicfarnam.us/cemetery/obits/index.asp
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe