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Obituary Collection
Charley Nickerson, Frontier Co.
Pioneer Passed Away

News was received Wednesday of the sudden death of C. G. Nickerson of Cleveland, Ohio Friday, August 2.

Mr. and Mrs. Nickerson were pioneers of Frontier County. For many years they lived on a farm south west of Farnam and later bought the property now owned by E. B. Lewis and moved to town.

Although they have been away for a number of years there are many friends here who remember them well and will be grieved to learn of Mr. Nickerson’s death, which was caused from heart trouble.

The Farnam Echo 42(40):1 Thursday, August 8, 1929

Published: 3/31/2025 - http://www.historicfarnam.us/cemetery/obits/index.asp
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe