Stroke Proves Fatal
The paralytic stroke suffered several days ago by W. F. Alspaw of Wilsey proved fatal today. Mr. Alspaw died at 3 o’clock without ever fully regaining consciousness from the attack which completely paralized his right side. Mr. Alspaw was born in Ohio 72 years ago, and after living for a time in Nebraska came to Nemaha county where he remained for ten years before moving to this community. He had resided in Morris county twenty sever years. Besides the widow, Mr. Alspaw is survived by three sons, A. H. Alspaw, Walter Alspaw and Harry Alspaw of Emporia. Funeral services will be held from the home at Wilsey Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock and from the Methodist church at 2:30 o’clock. Rev. Gerkin will conduct the services with interment in the Wilsey cemetery.
Council Grove Republican 59(15):1 Wednesday, January 18, 1933
Published: 3/29/2025
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe