W. D. Prey Dead
A telegram received here yesterday morning from Denver tells the sad news of the sudden death of W. D. Prey, son of J. J. Prey of this place. Mr. Prey is a member of the firm of Prey Bros. & Cooper livestock commission men of St. Joe, Mo., and Denver, Colo. According to the message Mr. Prey dropped dead in the stock yards. J. J. Prey, his daughter, Mrs. H. O. Wilson, Mrs. W. G. Parker and Miss Floy Caley, sisters of Mrs. W. D. Prey, and their father R. V. S. Caley all left here last night to attend the funeral services.
The Farnam Echo, 13(24):1 Thursday, May 25, 1916
Prey Meets Death; Live Stock Man Once Living in Nebraska
Denver, Colo., May 24.—(Special Telegram.)—William D. Prey, the founder and president of Prey Bros.’ Live Stock Commission company of St. Joseph and Denver, fell unconscious from his chair in his office at the stock yards here this morning and died five minutes later.
Physicians say his death was caused by heart failure. He was apparently in robust health when he left his home at 809 Humboldt street this morning. Mr. Prey was born in Dunbar, Neb. forty-nine years ago. When 20 he went to Wallace, Neb., where he engaged in the wholesale grocery business and where he married Miss Alta M. Caley in 1888. Seven years later he moved to St. Joseph and with his brother, A. G. Prey, founded the commission business which bears his name. He had been a resident of Denver ten years.
He is survived by his widow and brother of this city, two sons, Eugene L. Prey of Denver and Arthur C. Prey of Rockyford; a daughter, Miss Zelma Prey of Denver; a sister, Mrs. H. O. Willson, and father, J. J. Prey, both of Farnam, Neb.
The Omaha Daily Bee 45(293):1 Thursday, May 25, 1916
Published: 1/26/2025
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Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe