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Obituary Collection
Mrs. Alta M. Prey

Death claimed Mrs. Alta M. Prey, 62 years old, widely known in Denver society and widow of William D. Prey at her home 809 Humboldt St., Friday afternoon, August 7, 1931.

She had been ill for many months. Mrs. Prey came to Denver from St. Joseph, Mo., a quarter of a century ago when her husband organized The Prey Bros. livestock commission company.

Mr. Prey died in 1916 and since that time Mrs. Prey has lived a retired life. She was a member of Trinity Methodist church and took an interest in the affairs of the church societies, but she never neglected her home for other activities.

She is survived by two sons, Eugene and Arthur Prey of Denver and a daughter, Mrs. E. Harold Buss of Clarks, Nebr.; two grandchildren, Shirley Ethelyn Prey and Peggy Yvonne Prey; a brother, D. D. Caley of Lusk, Wyo., and three sisters, Mrs. W. G. Parker, and Mrs. O. T. Thompson of Farnam, Nebr., and Mrs. T. W. Ainlay of Denver, Colo., besides a host of relatives and friends.—Denver Post and Rocky Mountain News.

Impressive services for Mrs. Prey were held in the drawing room of The Olinger Mortuary at 3 p.m. Monday, August 10th. Dr. Loren Edwards, pastor of Trinity Methodist church, officiated. The songs “Abide with Me” and “Now the Day is Over” were beautifully rendered by Mrs. Prey’s favorite group of singers, The Olinger Male Quartette, and other musical numbers were played softly by Olinger Pipe Organist during the service. There was a profusion of exquisite floral pieces and bouquets, silent fragrant tributes of deep affection and admiration of loved ones and friends for the departed and also expressions of sympathy for those who mourned.

Burial was in the family plot of the beautiful Fairmont Cemetery, where a long cortege wended it’s way for the last sad rites.

Mrs. Prey has been a frequent visitor in Farnam and is well known by many who regret to learn of her death.

The Farnam Echo 50(50):1 Wednesday, August 19, 1931

Published: 1/26/2025 - http://www.historicfarnam.us/cemetery/obits/index.asp
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe