William R. Hicks
William Russell Hicks was born March 8, 1871 at Jonesboro, Tenn. His boyhood days were spent in the vicinity of his birth, and in April 1893, he was united in marriage to Miss Indlee Whetsel and in 1900 they came to Watson, Mo., where they resided until 1905 when they moved to Farnam, Nebr. Here he engaged in farming and when failing health forced him to retire from the work he enjoyed so much he went to Craig, Missouri in the year 1929.
He spent the balance of his life at Craig with the exception of one year which was spent in California in hopes of recovering health.
Although he was unable to attend church, he was a firm believer in his Lord. He was a regular listener to the great church of the air which brought many hours of comfort to him for the past nine months.
Although his health was very poor, he never complained. He was a kind and loving husband and father and always had a cheerful word for all.
He departed this life at his home in Craig, June 11, 1940 at the age of 69 years, 3 months and 3 days. He leaves to mourn his passing his kind and loving companion, also four children, namely: Mrs. Evelyn Davidson of Gothenburg, Nebr.; Mrs. Lena Hines and James S. Hicks of Craig; and Opie Hicks of Farnam, Nebr.
Two children preceded him in death, one in infancy and one son, Allie H. Hicks in September 1939 at Ukiah, California.
Three half-brothers and two half-sisters and a nephew, Rex Hicks of Amherst, Nebr., who was reared in the Hicks home, survive. Three sisters and one brother preceded him in death.
Five grandchildren also survive, in addition to a host of friends.
Funeral services were held at the Methodist Church in Craig Friday afternoon, conducted by Rev. A. R. Lamb. Burial was in the I.O.O.F. Cemetery.
One By One
One by one
Our loved ones are going
To that home beyond the skies
Where there is no pain or sorrow;
And where no one ever dies.
One by one
They leave behind them
Vacancies no one can fill—
And our hearts are torn with longing
As we listen for them still.
One by one
As they shall enter
Heaven’s pearly gates there’ll be
Loved ones who have gone before them
Greeting them so joyously.
One by one
We to shall join them—
And we breathe a thankful prayer
To the God who gave us heaven
And for friends to greet us there.
The Gothenburg Independent and Farnam Echo, 32(51) Thursday, June 20, 1940
Published: 1/16/2025
- http://www.historicfarnam.us/cemetery/obits/index.asp
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe