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Obituary Collection

Freeway Crash Kills Two Men

SAN DIEGO, April 19 (AP) — Two persons were killed and two others seriously injured today in a two-car collision on Alvarado freeway.

Police said Kent A. Manchester, 64, and Harold Boyle, 37, both of San Diego, were pronounced dead at the scene after their car was struck as they turned off the freeway. Both men were returning from a barbershop quartet singing session.

The driver of the other car, Larry T. Straightcliff, 18, was cited for speeding.

Santa Barbara News-Press 103(331):2 Saturday, April 19, 1958


Harold E. Boyle, eldest son of Mrs. Stella C. Boyle of Gothenburg, was killed in a traffic accident in San Diego, California, Saturday morning, April 19, 1958.

Services were held in the Benbough Mortuary in San Diego, Thursday morning, April 24th, with the SPEBSQSA due chapter in charge. Followed by a Military funeral, full honors in the Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery, wher he lies at rest.

He leaves to mourn his loss, his wife, Evelyn M.; two sons, Jeffrey Dale, 10; David Harold, 8; two daughters, Rochelle Ann, 6; and Deborah Lee, 4½ his mother, Mrs. Stella C. Boyle of Gothenburg; one sister, Mrs. Wm. Hill of Farnam; two brothers, George J. Boyle, Red Oak, Iowa; and Dale F. Boyle of Lexington, Nebraska; three nephews and two nieces. Besides many relatives and a host of friends. His father preceded him in death in February 1948.

Harold E. Boyle, or “Budd” as his family and friends knew him, was born in Farnam, [June] 21, 1921. Attended Farnam school and graduated from there in 1938. He was active in music and had a wonderful voice and enjoyed his music.

Attended Wesleyan University two years, during that time he was a member of the Acapella choir. Then he went to an Airplane training school in Lincoln. In February 1944, they sent him to San Diego, California to work in Consolidated Air Craft. He worked there till June 1944.

In March 1944 he wa married to Evelyn M. Dickinson of San Diego. They were blessed with four lovely children.

In June 1944 he entered the army. After finishing boot training he went to O.F.S. at Ft. Benning, Georgia. Was sent as 2nd Lt. to Seyte in 1945. In October 1946 he was given his charge as 1st Lt. He enlisted in the Army Reserve, in which he was Captain at the time of his death.

He was a member of the San Diego chapter of the SPEBSQSA due. Member of a quartet originally the “Four Staters” now the “San Diego Serenadors.” They have received honors all over the west, and at international contests. Were finalists in Toledo in 1952. He was international vice president in 1953, and has been on radio and TV on the west coast.

At the time of his death he was Asst. buyer for the City Schools of San Diego.

His family can remember him as a loving and devoted husband and father, a grand son and brother. Friends remember him as “Budd” and his wonderful voice and personality. Always a kind word and smile.

The Farnam Press 18(31):2 Thursday, May 8, 1958

Published: 5/2/2024 - http://www.historicfarnam.us/cemetery/obits/index.asp
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