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Obituary Collection
Mrs. Alice Austin

Alice Cordelia Souder, daughter of Milton and Annette Souder, was born August 16, 1880 near Herman, Nebraska. Later she moved with her parents to a farm north of Moorefield where she grew to young womanhood.

She was united in marriage to James Irving Austin on May 2, 1900.

Mrs. Austin made her home in Curtis since 1918. She passed from this life December 10, 1951 at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Eleanor Foote. She was 71 years three months and 24 days of age.

Her husband, one infant son, one grandscon, Emmett Wear, and one sister, Edna Dillman, preceded her in death.

She is survived by three daughters, Eleanor Foote of Maywood, Ethel Buettner of Ferguson, Mo. adn Zoa Wear of Big Springs, Nebr.; eight grandchildren; six great grandchildre, three sisters, five brothers, besides other relatives and a host of friends.

Alice Austin was an active member of the Methodist church in Curtis since 1920. She was a good mother, generous neighbor and a friend to all who came her way — particularly to the numerous small boys who found her backyard most inviting to those interested in fishing worms and other things small boys investigate. She was most generous with her apple trees to these same boys.

Funeral services were held December 13 at the Methodist church in Curtis. The Rev. Allan W. Martin officiated. Burial was in the Curtis cemetery.

The Curtis Enterprise 60(46):5 Thursday, December 20, 1951

Published: 3/29/2025 - http://www.historicfarnam.us/cemetery/obits/index.asp
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe