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Obituary Collection
Former Resident Dies

Leon Buss passed away at his home 929 Lamila, El Segundo, California Sunday from a heart attach. He and his brother, Harold Buss, operated a grocery store here a number of years ago. Mrs. Leon Buss was the former Nina Noble. Her mother, Mrs. Ross Noble, and sister, Mrs. Virgil Leach from Columbus left Tuesday to attend funeral services, which will be held Thursday (today) in California.

The Clarks News, Clarks, Nebraska, 7(22):1 Thursday, February 7, 1957

OBITUARY Thomas Leon Buss

Thomas Leon Buss, age 56 years, residing at 929 Lomita, El Segundo, Calif., passed away suddenly on Feb. 3, shortly after reaching his mountain resort at Twin Peaks in the San Bernardino Mountains. Funeral services were held at 2 P.M. Thursday at the Grace Chapel, Inglewood cemetery with Douglass Morturary of El Segundo in charge.

Mr. Buss was well known in this community. He was at one time owner of the Meat Dept. at Jerry’s Market in El Segundo. He was a member of the Methodist Church of El Segundo. Rev. Roger Sewyer was the officiating minister. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Nina Buss, of the home, a sister, Mrs. Lucille Ziemer of Lynwood, Calif., and brothers, George Buss of Lynwood, and Delevan Buss of Downey and three nieces. Interment was in Inglewood Cemetery. —From El Segundo, Calif. paper.

The Clarks News, Clarks, Nebraska, 7(23):1 Thursday, February 14, 1957

Published: 2/15/2025 - http://www.historicfarnam.us/cemetery/obits/index.asp
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe