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Obituary Collection
Ida Lehman Passes Away Suddenly Wednesday

The human sense of loss when death enters a community, was keenly felt here yesterday, when Miss Ida the youngest daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Lehman, who reside south of town, was destined, at the will of God, to pass thru the “Valley of Death.”

Ida was a young lady of noble and worth while character, and was dearly loved by all who knew her.

Just why, a virtuous young lady, such as she, must answer to death’s summons, no one knows and only when the mysteries of Life are revealed will we be able to understand.

Ida took sick Sunday and was taken to the Cambridge hospital, Monday where she underwent an operation for infected appendicitis. Death came to intervene with her suffering Wednesday afternoon.

Funeral services will be held at the house Saturday about noon and the body will be taken to Ravenna for burial Saturday afternoon.

The Farnam Echo 42(23):1 Thursday, 11 April 1919


Ida Mary Lehman was born March 25, 1908 at Farnam, Nebraska and departed this life at the Cambridge hospital Wednesday noon, April 10th, 1929, aged 21 years and 15 days.

She leaves to mourn her untimely death, her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Lehman, two brothers, Roland and Harold, of Farnam and one sister, Mrs. Edna Oberg, of Gaston, Oregon, besides other relatives and a host of friends.

Two brothers, Johnnie Herbert and Edward Henry have preceded her in death.

Miss Ida was graduated from the Farnam high school in the year 1926. She taught a successful term of school in her home district last year, and in two weeks would have completed her second successful year of teaching in a district near home.

Ida was a young lady of beautiful character and dearly loved by all who knew her. Her devotion to her parents was beautiful to behold.

Just why she was taken in the early days of her life we don’t understand but leave it in the hands of the “One who doeth all things well.”

Short funeral services were held at the home Sunday morning at 9 O’clock, conducted by Rev. C. B. Johnson, a former pastor of the Lone Star church, and the body was taken to Ravenna that afternoon where she was laid to rest Monday morning beside her two brothers.

There is a land where beauty cannot fade,
   Nor sorrow dim the eye;
Where true love shall not droop nor be dismayed,
   And none shall ever die.

The Farnam Echo 42(24) Thursday, 18 April 1929

Published: 3/29/2025 - http://www.historicfarnam.us/cemetery/obits/index.asp
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe