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Obituary Collection
R. V. S. Caley Dead

Robert Victory Seaborn Caley was born at sea July 1st, 1840, about one hundred miles off the banks of Newfoundland. His parents were on their way from Hull, England to make America their new home.

The strange circumstances under which he was born suggested the name his parents chose for him. Robert, being the name of the captain of the vessel, Victory after the name of the ship and Seaborn because of the place of his birth.

He had three brothers and four sisters. Two brothers and a sister born in England and one brother and three sisters born in America, making a family of eight brothers and sisters. One brother, Clark at Everson, Washington, and two sisters Decoy Herd of Raymond, Ohio and Sarah Cocklin of Harrisburg, Pa., remain to mourn his death. Only two weeks ago an older brother, George D. Caley of Cozad, Nebr., was laid to rest, having died August 31st, 1916.

On October 18, 1864, R. V. S Caley and Miss Emeroy Helm were married at LaPorte, City. Iowa, where they made their home on a farm until March 1889, when they removed their family to Wallace, Nebr., and later to Cozad, Nebr., where Mrs. Caley died May 21st, 1892.

Six children, Horace E., Alta M; Dell D; Cora B; L. Pearl; L. Floy; were born to them, Horace E, the oldest of these died at Farnam, Nebr., June 15th, 1897. The other five: Mrs. Alta M. Prey of Denver, Colorado; Mr. Dell D. Caley of Akron, Ohio; Mrs. Cora B. Parker, Mrs. L. Pearl Ainlay and Miss L. Floy Caley of Farnam, Nebr., remain to mourn the loss of a dearly beloved father.

Beside those of the immediate family he leaves ten grandchildren, Eugene L. Prey, Arthur C. Prey and Zelma Prey of Denver, Colo., Victor I. Caley and Lila B. Caley of Omaha, Nebr., Merton C. Parker and W. Ralph Parker of Farnam, Nebr., Forrest C. Ainlay also of Farnam, Nebr., Mary E. Caley and Della L. Caley of Akron, Ohio, and one [great-]granddaughter Helen W. Caley of Omaha, Nebr.

In August 1898 Mr. R. V. S. Caley and Mrs. Newman of Gothenburg, Nebr., were united in marriage at Omaha, Nebr. No children were born to them, Mrs. Caley died a few years later and since that time till his death, he has made his home with his two daughters at Farnam.

Mr. Caley was always an active and hard working man and a true christian [sic.]. His cheerful disposition made a host of true friends that will miss him. Most of his active life was spent in farming and stock raising.

He was an active member of the A. O. U. W. lodge, being a charter member of the lodge formed at Wallace, Nebr., in 1889.

All of his children were at his bedside at the time of his death Monday morning Sept. 18, 1916, at the home of his daughter Mrs Cora B. Parker, at Farnam, Nebr. He was 76 years, 2 months, and 18 days old when death took him from our midst.

The funeral services were held from the home of Mr. Caley’s daughter, Mrs. L. Pearl Ainlay, at Farnam Nebr. The Rev. C. A. Irvin conducted the services, selecting for his text, Psalm 112-6. "The righteous man shall be had in everlasting remembrance". The McNickle quartette assisted by Mrs. H. Ralston sang several of Mr. Caley’s favorite hymns. The A. O. U. W. lodge attended in a body to pay their last respects to the departed "Brother Workman". Mr. Carl J. Velte read a short obituary of Mr. Caley’s life. The beautiful floral offerings reflected the high esteem in which he was held by his many friends. Interment was in Fairview Cemetery by the side of his wife, who preceeded [sic.] him almost 25 Years ago. The pall-bearers were; Mr. C. A. Rice, Mr. A. McNickle, Mr. Geo. Boyle, Mr. Heber Boyle, Mr. G. D. Faulkes, and Mr. E. Ceder.

Card of Thanks

We take this means of extending our sincere thanks to the many friends of Mr. R. V. S. Caley who so sympathetically tendered their services, in so many countless ways, during his recent illness and the hours of our bereavement.
W. G. Parker and family
T. W. Ainlay and family
Mrs. W. D. Prey
Mr. Dell D. Caley
Miss L. Floy Caley
Mr. Victor I. Caley

The Farnam Echo 13(41):1, Thursday, 21 September 1916

Published: 9/7/2024 - http://www.historicfarnam.us/cemetery/obits/index.asp
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