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Obituary Collection
Charles W. Ainlay Dead

Relatives here received a telegram Sunday informing them that Charles W. Ainlay had passed away early that morning at his home in Mishawaka, Ind. Mr. Ainlay has been in very poor health for a year, suffering with an affliction of the heart but he has been much better lately and the news of his sudden death was a shock to members of his family and friends.

Charles was well known by Farnam pioneers having spent a great many years of his life here prior to his removal east with his own immediate family. If possible an obituary will be printed in a later issue of The Echo. We join the many friends of the Ainlay family in extending sympathy to the sorrowing relatives.

The Farnam Echo 42(14):1 Thursday, February 7, 1929

Charles W. Ainlay

Charles Wesley Ainlay, former member of the Mishawaka police force and well known resident of Mishawaka of 23 years, was found dead in his bed at 5 o’clock Sunday morning by his wife, in their home at 309 Lincoln Way West. He had been suffering for about nine months from heart trouble, but his sudden death was a shock to his family and friends.

Mr. Ainlay was born in Brussels, Canada, November 25, 1873, being 55 years old. He came to Mishawaka 23 years ago from Farnam, Nebr., where his marriage to Lillian Rolph took place Dec. 30, 1896. He was a member of the police force here for several years and was well known as an officer. He had filled the office of constable for many years, and in the past months had been a merchant policeman on the north side.

Surviving him are his widow, Mrs. Lillian Ainlay; five daughters and one son, Mrs. Fred Laughlin of Osceola this county; Mrs. G. W. Kaufman of Long Beach, Wash.; Miss Dessa Ainlay of Nashville, Tenn.; Mrs. Leroy Longenecker of this city; Virginia and Charles Jr. at home.

The following brothers and sisters survive: Mrs. Ella Matchett, Guthrie, Oklahoma; W. J. Ainlay of Alliance, Neb.; T. W. Ainlay, Mrs. W. R. Fitch and Mrs. H. T. McNickle all of Farnam, Nebr.; Mrs. John King of Cedar Rapids, Neb.; Mrs. Herman Richards of Yuma, Colo.; and H. L. Ainlay of Los Angeles, Calif.

The body was viewed at the Coat’s funeral home until 4 o’clock Tuesday afternoon, and then in the home until the funeral hour, where many called to pay their last respects to the deceased.

Funeral services were held from the residence at 2 o’clock Wednesday, with the Rev. Clyde Yoemans pastor of the First Methodist church officiating. The sermon text was “Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

Nothing was left undone, that Mishawaka people could do, to honor the deceased and express sympathy for the family. Bouquets and flowers were in abundance,—silent and beautiful tokens of the esteem in which he was held.

The pallbearers were a close friend and the six stalwart sons of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Stebbins, formerly of this place. Six policeman were also honorary pall bearers. Burial was made in Fairview Cemetery.

The Farnam Echo 42(15):1 Thursday, February 14, 1929

Published: 3/29/2025 - http://www.historicfarnam.us/cemetery/obits/index.asp
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe