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Obituary Collection
Alvie J. McMichael

Alvie J. McMichael, 67, a resident of this vicinity since 1906, died Wednesday noon at his farm home five and one-half miles northwest of Nelson. He had been in poor health for some time and had been confined to his bed since last fall.

Mr. McMichael was born in Iowa on July 5, 1879. Members of the immediate family surviving are Mrs. McMichael and a daughter, Mrs. William Youngs of Nora.

Funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon at 2:30 in Klawitter Chapel with Rev. Clarence V. Powell in charge.

The Nelson Gazette, Thursday, April 10, 1947


Alvie J. McMichael, the son of Richard and Rebecca McMichael, was born July 5, 1879, near New Market, Iowa, and departed this life April 9, 1947, from his home near Nelson, Nebraska, at the age of 67 years, 9 months and 4 days.

When about 4 years old, he, with his parents and other brothers and sisters, moved westward, finally locating on a homestead in the early eighties in Frontier county, Nebraska. Here he grew to young manhood. On September 27, 1905, he was united in marriage to Miss Myrtle Farver of Nelson. To this union three children were born, two of whom died in infancy.

He leaves to mourn his departure, his wife, Myrtle, his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Will Youngs of Nora; three brothers, Albert and Clifford of Farnam, Nebr., and Charles of Hamburg, Arkansas; and two sisters, Mrs. Minnie Beery of Farnam, Nebr. and Mrs. Alice Alspaw of Nelson. One sister and his parents preceded him in death.

When about 19 years old he was baptized in the Medicine River, near Stockville, Nebraska, and became a member of the United Brethren church.

Mr. and Mrs. McMichael spent the first year of their married life in Frontier county. They came to Nuckolls county in 1907, locating on the farm northwest of Nelson. With the exception of the one year in Frontier county and three years in Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. McMichael spent their entire wedded life on this farm, total number of years being about 37.

Mr. McMichael was a home-loving man, and his first thoughts were of his home and family. He enjoyed his neighbors and often spoke of his appreciation of their many kindnesses and helpfulness. He was a patient sufferer and like Job of old, he never questioned God's love, for he knew his Redeemer liveth. He quietly obeyed the Commandments of Jesus in that he loved the Lord God with his whole heart and loved his neighbors and they enjoyed him.

A splended pioneer has left us and we are the richer for his having lived among us.

If you should go before me, dear, walk slowly
Down the ways of death, well worn and wide,
For I would want to overtake you quickly
And seek the journey's ending by your side.
I would be so forlorn not to descry you
Down some shining highroad when I came;
Walk, slowly dear, and often look behind you,
And pause to hear if someone calls your name.

The funeral services were held in the Klawitter Chapel Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. They were in charge of Rev. Clarence V. Powell, assisted by Mrs. Powell. Music was furnished by a quartet: Mr. and Mrs. James Murphy, Bertha Portwood and Lowell Powell. Lowell also sang as a solo, "I won't Have To Cross Jordan Alone."

The pallbearers were Walter and Gerald Whiteley, Harold Jordan, Louis Petz, Will Prachejl, and Carl Miller. Interment was in the Nelson cemetery.


We take this means of expressing our heartfelt thanks for the floral offerings and expressions of sympathy extended to us during the illness and death of our husband, father and brother. Also for the many kind deeds shown us during his long illness. Mrs. Myrtle McMichael, Mr. and Mrs. Will Youngs, Mrs. Alice Alspaw.

The Nelson Gazette, Thursday, April 17, 1947; pg. 4

Published: 12/5/2024 - http://www.historicfarnam.us/cemetery/obits/index.asp
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