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Obituary Collection
Floyd F. Coon

Floyd F. Coon, son of Fred and Ruth Coon, was born September 16, 1888, near Chappell, Nebr., and passed away from this life on February 4, 1955, at Walla Walla, Washington, at the age of 66 years, 4 months and 19 days.

When a small boy, he moved with his family to Farnam, Neb., where he grew to manhood. The remaining years of his life were spent around Brady, North Platte and Gothenburg, as a blacksmith and welder, which work he continued when he moved to Washington six years ago.

In 1912, he was united in marriage to Ella Wear. To this union, two sons were born. Ella passed away in 1918. On December 16, 1924, he was again united in marriage, to Clementine Braden. To this union were born four sons and four daughters.

In addition to his widow, to mourn his passing are: six sons, Earl of Omaha, Mearl of California, Harold of Warren, Ohio, Jack of the U. S. Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, North Carolina, and Ronny and Jerry of Gothenburg. He is also survived by four daughters: Ilene Stanley of North Platte, Dorothy Viter of Kansas City, Mo., Iris Steinmeyer of Gothenburg and Susan Coon, also of Gothenburg. Surviving also are five brothers: Clarence of Billings, Montana, Arnold of Denver, John of Fremont, Edward of Brady, Archie of Maxwell, and one sister, Nora Newman of San Antonio, Texas. Other survivors include eight grandchildren, and a host of other relatives and friends. His mother and father and one sister preceded him in death.

Funeral services were held at the Brady Methodist church on Saturday, Feb. 12th, at 2:30 p.m., with Rev. Charles A. Moorer officiating. Music was furnished by Rev. Elwood Anderson and Larry Viter, who sang “Does Jesus Care?” and “The Old Rugged Cross,” accompanied by Mary Ellen Larsen. Pallbearers were William Thanel, George Rosentrater, Ernest Hoaglund, Dewey Carroll, Basil Brown and Claude McCaig. Burial was in the Gaslin cemetery, south of Brady.

The Gothenburg Times 47(33):4 Thursday, February 17, 1955

Published: 2/15/2025 - http://www.historicfarnam.us/cemetery/obits/index.asp
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe