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Obituary Collection
Harry Hall

Word was received here yesterday announcing the death of Harry Hall, in Pinedale, Wyoming on April 2. Mr. Hall was one of the early settlers in this part of the country. The news of his death came as a surprise to his many friends here.

The Farnam Echo, Vol. 12, No. 17, April 8, 1915

Our citizens of town and country were greatly shocked and saddened Friday upon learning of the sudden death of one of our number, Henry C. Hall. A quiet, law abiding citizen who stood for what he considered best in man and woman, county, state or principal. He was born in Lemont, Illinois and came west to Nebraska, where he spent some four years in the western part of the state at Farnam, engaged in farming, going from there to Oregon, where he was employed by lumber companies of the state for some years. He then returned to Farnam, Nebraska, in 1893 where he was married to Sarah Elizabeth Shaw. In 1900 Mr. and Mrs. Hall moved to Wyoming, shortly after taking up a ranch at Pole Creek, where they made their home and by hard work and many self denials shaped it into one of the best in that section and in which he was greatly interested. He entered the employ of the Forestry department in 1904 as a ranger on what was then the Yellowstone national forest. Six years later he was appointed to the rank of Forest Supervisor and placed in charge of the Bonneville portion of the former Yellowstone and now known as the Bridger. When Pinedale was incorporated, he was one of the first councilmen. He was a charter member of the modern Woodmen and serving as banker of Fremont camp at the time of his death. He joined the Masonic fraternity and attained the rank of Master Mason. From the church the funeral cortege, the largest ever seen in Pinedale, extending from the town to hill, wended their way to the little cemetery overlooking the valley. At the cemetery the full Masonic burial service and grand honors of the fraternity were given and the body lowered to its final resting place,there to await the resurrection morn. Left to mourn are his wife and an only sister, Mrs. C.K.B. Aumock, of Los Angeles, in whom the sympathy of our community is extended in their sorrow.

Mizpah- "The Lord watch between me and thee when we are absent from one another. Go thou thy way, and I go mine; apart yet not afar; only a thin veil hangs between the pathways where we are. God keep watch 'tween thee and me--This is my prayer."

From the Pinedale Roundup, April 8, 1915

Published: 12/5/2024 - http://www.historicfarnam.us/cemetery/obits/index.asp
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