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Obituary Collection
Edna (Earhart) Coons

Funeral Services were held Sunday afternoon for Mrs. Clarence Coons, who passed away Thursday evening at her home in Brady. A short service was held at the home, followed by the service at the Brady Methodist church, conducted by Rev. Hendricksen. Interment was in Gaslin cemetery.

She was born at Mason City, Ill., Feb. 4, 1891, and passed away, May 4, 1939 at the age of 48 years, and 3 months.

She moved with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Earhart, in 1892, to Geneva and in 1895 the family moved to their farm near Moorefield, where Edna grew to womanhood. She joined the Moorefield Church of God during her girlhood.

She was united in marriage to Clarence Coons of Brady, and to this union two daughters were born, Mrs. Cecil Swartz, Millard, and Mrs. Everett Deihl, Brady.

She is survived by her husband and two daughters, also two grandchildren; three sisters, Mrs. Nettie Wilmeth, Gothenburg; Mrs. Glen Greenlee, Sidney and Mrs. J. R. Lawrence, North Platte; three brothers, Albert, Oklahoma City, Jess, Powell, Wyo., and Ralph, Farnam; besides many other relatives.

She was preceded in death by her parents, one brother and two sisters.

Mrs. Coons had a large circle of friends in the Moorefield and Farnam communities, who mourn her death.

The Farnam Echo, 35th yr., No. 36, Page 1, Col. 5, Thurs. May 11, 1939

Published: 2/15/2025 - http://www.historicfarnam.us/cemetery/obits/index.asp
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe