Mrs. Clyde Williams
Daisy Garven was born at Farnam, Nebraska, June 28, 1889 and departed this life Nov. 13, 1935, at the age of 46 years, 5 months and 15 days. She was well and favorably known in this community having lived here practically all her life.
She was married to Clyde C. Williams, Jan. 16, 1906. To this union were born ten children, one having died in infancy. Those left to mourn her departure are her husband, four daughters, Geneva, of Wichita, Kan., Virginia (Mrs. Jay Rice), Doris and Lois; and five sons, Cecil, Wayne, Donald, Dale, and Russell all of Farnam; three sisters, Mrs. B. J. Ainlay, Belgrade, Nebr., Mrs. Mabel Hobbs, Brady, Nebr., Mrs. Fred Bennett Lander, Wyo.; two brothers, Thomas F. Garven, Denver, Colo., and Earl L. Garven, El Paso, Texas; two grandchildren, and a host of other relatives and friends.
She was a kind and loving wife and mother and the patience which she showed during the last two years of intense suffering lends a greater sacredness to her memory.
Funeral services were held last Friday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock at the Farnam Baptist church, by Rev. O. A. McGuire. The music was furnished by Mr. and Mrs. Dan McNickle and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pollard.
Burial was in the Farnam cemetery.
Gentle hands that never wearied,
toiling in love's vineyard sweet.
Eyes that seem forever cheery when
our eyes they chanced to meet,
Tender, patient, brave, devoted, this
was always mother’s way
Could her worth in gold he quoted as
you think of her today?
There shall never be another quite
so tender, quite so kind.
As the patient little mother, no-
where in this earth you’ll find,
Her affection duplicated; none so
proud if you are fine.
Could her worth be overstated? Not
by words of mine.
Death stood near the hour she bore
us, agony was hers to know,
Yet she bravely faced it for us, smil-
ing in her time of woe.
Down the years how oft we’ve tried
her, we were selfish, heedless, blind
Yet with love alone to guide her she
was never once unkind.
Vain are all our tributes to her if in
words alone they dwell.
We must live the praises due her;
there’s no other way to tell
Gentle mother that we love her,
Would you say as you recall
All the patient service of her, you’ve
been worthy of it all?
Card of Thanks
We wish to express our sincere appreciation to our friends for their kindness and beautiful floral offerings during the sickness and death of our loved one.
Mr. C. C. Williams and family,
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Rice and children,
Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Ainlay,
Mrs. Mabel Hobbs and family,
Mrs. Florence Bennett,
Mr. Earl Garven,
Mr. C. J. Garven.
The Farnam Echo 55(11):1 Thursday, November 21, 1935
Published: 2/6/2025
- http://www.historicfarnam.us/cemetery/obits/index.asp
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe