James White was born Dec. 27, 1845 near Greenville, Tenn., and departed this life at Burkett, Nebr., Wednesday morning, Oct. 20, 1926. Age 81 years, 9 months and 24 days.
He grew to manhood at the place of his birth and at 15 years of age enlisted as a private in Co. K, 1st Tennesee cavalry. During the period he served his country he was in the hospital at Nashville, Tenn., also at Louisville, Ky. for a year. He received his honorable discharge from the U.S. Army July 5, 1865.
Four years later, in 1869 he was united in marriage to Matilda Cox at Jonesboro, Tenn.
In 1875 he moved with his wife to Watson, Mo., where they lived until his wife's death in 1910, then a year later Mr. White came to Farnam, Neb. to make his home with his nephew, Wm. Hicks. With the exception of the winter months which in late years he has spent in the Soldiers' Home at Burkett, near Grand Island. He enjoyed fair health until about a year ago and had gradually grown weaker until death scored another mark.
Mr. White was a man of fine character, free from bad habits, loved and respceted by all who knew him. He had said at different times that he was ready to go when his life work was ended.
He leaves to mourn his departure a number of nephews and neices, one sister-in-law, and a host of friends, who will miss him from their midst.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hicks were with Mr. White caring for him during the last week of his illness and all was done that could be done to make the last hours easy.
Funeral services were held Friday afternoon, Oct. 22 from the M. E. church with Rev. Geo. Seick officiating. Interment was made in the Farnam cemetery.
Following the services at the church the American Legion took charge, and conducted military services. Service men from the Eustis Legion Post acted as pall bearers. The local post marched at the head of the procession to the cemetery, the pall bearers marching beside the hearse. The local firing squad fired the salute and the bugler sounded taps, as another of the boys in Blue was laid to rest.
The Farnam Echo 39(51):6 Thursday, October 28, 1926
Published: 9/12/2024
- http://www.historicfarnam.us/cemetery/obits/index.asp
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe