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Obituary Collection
Lule Rector Martin

Lulu Rector Martin was born in Sherman County, Mo., February 21st, 1886, and died at her home eight miles south of Farnam, January 10, 1919, age 32 years, 10 months and 20 days.

She was united in marriage to James O. Martin at Stockville, Nebr., July 1st, 1903; to this union was born eight children, seven boys and one girl, six of which are living, the little daughter and on little son having preceded their mother in death.

Surely all who knew her thought of her as a woman of Sterling character, always mindful of good works; truly it was a most beautiful spirit that quietly took its flight.

Deceased leaves to mourn her loss, a husband, six children, three brothers, one sister, and a mother, besides a host of friends.

The funeral services were held at the Nazarene church, January 13th conducted by T. E. Gillet, pastor of the Methodist church of Farnam assisted by the Nazarene pastor. Interment in the Farnam cemetery.

The Farnam Echo, 16:6(1) Thursday, Jan. 16, 1919

Lulu Rector Martin was born February 21, 1886, departed Jan. 10, 1919, age 32 years, 10 months and 20 days. She was born in Shannon county, Missouri. On July 1, 1903 she was united in marriage to James O. Martin at Stockville, Nebr. To this union was born eight children, seven boys and one daughter, six of which are still living, the little daughter and one little son having preceded their mother in death. Surely all who knew her thought of her as a woman of sterling character, always mindful of good works and truly it was a most beautiful spirit that quietly took its flight. Deceased leaves to mourn their loss husband, six sons, three brothers, two sisters, mother and a host of friends.

Funeral services were held at the Nazarene church, Rev. Gillett of Farnam officiating, on Monday, Jan. 13 at 2 o'clock, and the remains were laid to rest in the Farnam cemetery. -- Contributed.

The Faber, Stockville, Nebraska

Published: 1/26/2025 - http://www.historicfarnam.us/cemetery/obits/index.asp
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe