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Obituary Collection

Benjamin Litchenberg was born March 10, 1886, at Hastings, Nebr. and passed away at the Gothenburg hospital Thursday following several months illness from heart ailments. He reached the age of 66 years and 10 months.

He was united in marriage to Hulda Tjarks March 10, 1914, and settled shortly after that on a farm in the Farnam community. To this union were born a son Loyal and a daughter Marjorie. his wife passed away in 1918. For several years afterwards he made his home south of Brady, with his brother John.

He was married to Mae Baker on March 15, 1933, at Hastings and to this union were born three children: two sons, Alfred Thomas who died in infancy, and Jack, also a daughter, Marie.

After having lived on a farm northwest of Farnam for a number of years, he retired and moved to Gothenburg in 1947, where he made his home until his death.

This fall he confessed his need of Christ as his Saviour and made a profession of faith.

He is survived by his widow, two daughters, Marie Litchenberg of Gothenburg and Mrs. Chas. Thompson of Omaha; two sons, Jack of Gothenburg and Loyal of Omaha; a granddaughter, Carol Jean Thompson; three sisters, Mrs. Ora Beavers of Omaha and Mrs. C. A. Dougherty and Mrs. Nick Howatt of Hastings; and a brother, John, of Gothenburg. He was preceded in death by his parents, three brothers, two sisters.

Funeral services were held Monday afternoon from the Olesen Funeral Home to the First Baptist church in Gothenburg at 2 o’clock Rev. Carl J. Seaquist officiated. Mrs. Erie Nelson, Marilyn Nelson, Arthur Larsen and Gavan Friesenborg sand and were accompanied at the organ by Mrs. Oscar Peterson. Six nephews served as casketbearers: Ivan Dougherty, Ben Howatt, Lawrence Baker, Jack Dougherty, Gerald Whitney and Ray Baker. Interment was in Farnam cemetery.

The Farnam Press, 12(16):1 Thursday, January 17, 1952

Published: 1/26/2025 - http://www.historicfarnam.us/cemetery/obits/index.asp
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