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Obituary Collection
Mary Caroline Kitchen

Mary Caroline Kitchen was born in Fairland, Indiana, October 7, 1845. When she passed away in Lexington July 10th the earthly history of her immediate family closed. She was the last one. Mrs. Kitchen would have been 89 years of age the seventh of October.

Early in her girlhood she definitely consecrated her life to God and accepted Jesus Christ as her personal Saviour. For over 75 years she has been a loyal member of the Methodist Episcopal church. Mrs. Kitchen always believed that Christianity is a life to be lived. Prayerfully, cheerfully she sacrificed to be true. Through a long life she has left behind her “A trail of gladness, not a scar of discontent.” She lived unselfishly and for the best. She stood by the standard of the Christ and through long long years while others were thoughtless and careless she was loyal and true. God honored her with long years of happiness and usefulness. She was a charter member of the Farnam Church. When she passes away last Tuesday she stepped into the limitless life of God’s love and eternity. Her citizenship was and is in Heaven. She has answered to a holy tryst.

On the fifth of April 1866, Mary Caroline and Jacob B. Kitchen were united in marriage. For nearly 67 years these two lived in holy wedlock. To this union nine children were born, five of whom survive their mother. Mr. Kitchen passed away in 1933. Their separation was not for long. Immediately after their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Kitchen left for Nebraska. Their stay was brief at that time; but in 1870 they settled in Nemaha County, Nebraska. There they resided until 1889 when they came to Farnam. This was thenceforth their home, until Mr. Kitchen’s death in 1933. Since that time Mrs. Kitchen has spent considerable time with her son, L. C. Kitchen in Lexington. There she received loving and constant care.

Mrs. Kitchen was a typical pioneer mother. She invested many years of her life in the effort to bequeath to her children and others a better and more nearly Christian Nebraska.

Mary Caroline Kitchen is survived by five children, J. C. Kitchen of Farnam; L. C. Kitchen of Lexington; O. C. Kitchen of North Platte; Mrs. T. L. Puderbaugh of Bremerton, Washington, and Mrs. M. T. Faulkers of Los Angeles, California. Besides these thirty grandchildren, two great grandchildren and other relatives and friends survive her.

The funeral service took place in the Methodist Episcopal Church of Farnam, last Friday afternoon. Dr. Louis H. Kaub, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Lexington officiated. Mrs. Kitchen’s body was laid to rest beside her husband’s in the Farnam cemetery.

The Farnam Echo 53(45):1 Thursday, July 19, 1934

Published: 1/22/2025 - http://www.historicfarnam.us/cemetery/obits/index.asp
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe