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Obituary Collection
Passed Into the Other World

The community was saddened last Sunday when it became known that the death angel had claimed Mrs. W. Clark Jones. Mrs. Jones suffered internally with the dread disease consumption. The family are comparatively strangers here having resided in Farnam one month, but they located among a class of people who are friendly and sympathetic with the bereaved relatives. Although her friends mourn their loss yet they do not grieve as those without hope of a reunion at some future days. Mrs. Jones was a member of the M. E. Church and leaves a husband and little boy four years old besides other relatives.

Her father, Mr. Carpenter and sister Mrs. McKinney arrived Friday and were with the family when the final summons came. During the closing moments of her life, at Mrs. Jones earnest request many of her favorite sacred songs were sung.

Funeral services were held at the M. E. Church Monday at 1 P.M. after which the remains were interred in Farnam cemetery.

The Curtis Enterprise 10(39):3, Farnam News, Friday, February 7, 1902

Published: 2/6/2025 - http://www.historicfarnam.us/cemetery/obits/index.asp
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe