John M. Gardner died at his home six miles south of Farnam, Wednesday night at about 10:30 o'clock. Funeral services at home yesterday at 10 o’clock; interment in the Farnam cemetery.
His death was the result of a most unfortunate accident: He went down into his well, Monday morning, to repair the pump cylinder and while working there a large wrench weighing 5 or 6 pounds was dislodged from the top of the well and fell, striking him on the head and shoulder. The skull was fractured and the collar bone broken. Dr. Reeves was called and did all possible to relive his suffering.
He lingered in semi-unconscious condition until Wednesday evening when death mercifully released him.
Mr. Gardner was one among the early settlers in the part of Frontier county and endured the pioneer hardships. He had just completed a good farm house to take the place of the old soddy and was getting in shape to enjoy life when summoned by the grim messenger. God’s ways are not our ways.
The Farnam Echo, 2(23):1 Saturday, May 4, 1905.
Published: 2/6/2025
- http://www.historicfarnam.us/cemetery/obits/index.asp
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