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Obituary Collection
Dawson Baby

Mr. and Mrs. Dawson’s baby died last week and was buried in the Farnam cemetery.

The Eustis News 1(43):5 Friday, February 24, 1905

The infant son of J. V. Dawson and wife died, Thursday morning.—

Another home is desolate,
Its life, its light had fled;
The crushed and broke hearted weep
Beside the innocent dead.

He has gone: our darling baby;
to a far off better land:
He has gone to join the angels
And that e’er increasing band.

The Farnam Echo 2(13):4 Saturday, February 25, 1905

Published: 2/15/2025 - http://www.historicfarnam.us/cemetery/obits/index.asp
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe