Julius Todd Babcock
At the home of his brother, C. C. (Cassius Clay) Babcock, near Farnam, Neb., Julius T. Babcock died Nov. 6, 1899, in the 47th year of his age. Death was caused from severe cold contracted after several weeks of typhoid fever.
Brother Julius, son of Dea. Joshua G. Babcock, was born Feb. 4, 1853. At the age of 13 he was baptized by the Rev. A. A. Randolph, and united with the Long Branch church, Humboldt, Neb. Later in life he was ordained deacon in a little church in Western Kansas. About three years ago he came to Farnam and united with the Farnam church, in which he has been a faithful, consecrated worker.
He has always been a man of strong convictions, and one true in living up to them. Many years of his life have been spent in teaching in the public schools of Nebraska and Kansas. No grander words could be spoken of a man than "He never came to our home without teaching the children something good."
He leaves two children, a father, one brother, two sisters, and many friends to mourn the death of him who was a kind and loving father, a dutiful son and a good brother, ever ready and willing to "lend a hand." Funeral services were held at Farnam, Nov. 8. Text, James 4: 14. H.C.V.
The Sabbath Recorder, Vol 55, No 48, p 767, Nov. 27, 1899
Birth: 4 Feb 1853, Shelby County, Ohio
Death: 6 Nov 1899
Burial: Farnam Cemetery, Frontier County, Nebraska
Father: Deacon Joshua Greene Babcock (1825-1912)
Mother: Charlotte T. Lippincott (1827-1896)
Spouse: Sarah S. Petty (1858-1886)
Published: 2/15/2025
- http://www.historicfarnam.us/cemetery/obits/index.asp
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe