Six-Man Football Introduced at Farnam
This year we hope to introduce a new game at Farnam; one which we hope will prove to be better suited to the size of our school—six-man football.
For those of you who are curious about this new game, we hope to satisfy your curiosity on Oct. 8, when we will play Bertrand here; for those of you who are doubtful as to the ability of this game to supply enough thrills, we also extend the same invitation.
Filling out a schedule has been rather slow work because there are only a small number of schools playing this “half-team” game this year, but we are certain that we will be able to announce a few more games soon.
Coach George Huiner, will take his six-man football team to Maxwell Friday of this week to play the first game of the season, as well as the first game, of such football for the local school.