111 New Cars Sold By Farnam Agencies During 1928
It is amazing to note the large number of new automobiles which have been purchased during the past year and to think that a town no larger than Farnam has sold 111 new cars during this period, makes us see clearly where our farmers are putting their money.
This is a splendid record for our local agencies, which represent the Ford, Chevrolet, Dodge and Whippet cars. This has been a record breaking year for all of these agencies, unless it is the Fords, for it has been only recently that Mr. Case could get what cars he wanted and therefore lost several sales which he might otherwise have made. The reports from the different agencies are as follows: S. K. Brown & Son, report 32 Whippet sales; D. D. Case, reports 30 Ford sales; 2 Model T’s and 28 Model A’s; Parker’s Garage, 23 Dodges and 26 Chevrolets.